30 May 2011

Brrrrr! Grade 4P heats things up!

It was a very chilly day and we sat on the mat waiting for Miss Phaup to speak. The tension was high as we knew something exciting was about to happen. Miss Phaup finally told us that we were going to be making hot chocolate and someone said, "We love you Miss Phaup!" I was the second person to finish writing my instructions and the second person to make hot chocolate. I put one marshmallow in my hot chocolate. - Haaris

On Friday it was a very cold day! When we were sitting on the carpet Miss Phaup said, "Today we are going to make hot chocolate!" I got really excited. Then we went to our desks and we started to write down what we had to do. I learnt how to list things and how to write instructions. I enjoyed it and it tasted lovely! - Katelyn

On Friday it was very cold so Miss Phaup decided to treat us to some hot chocolate. We used an urn for the hot water, polystyrene cups for our hot chocolate, milk and marshmallows to dip in the hot chocolate. First we put the powder and one teaspoon of sugar. The we stood in a queue in front of the class and waiting for the hot water to fill our cups. After that we put milk in and popped a marshmallow inside! It was really delicious and I enjoyed it. The hot chocolate made me feel warm and cosy. - Fatema H.

On Friday I honestly did not feel like getting out of bed, it was freezing! It was pouring with rain and I couldn't feel my fingers at all. Miss Phaup got an urn, some milk, hot chocolate, sugar and lots of marshmallows for us to have at the end of the day because it was so cold. I enjoyed it very much and thought it was a good idea and very kind. We sat and enjoyed it on the carpet while Miss Phaup read us The BFG. It tasted great and made my throat warm. - Priyanka

On Friday it was very cold so Miss Phaup gave us a treat by letting us make some hot chocolate. We each made a cup and we wrote the method down on a piece of paper. We even put marshmallows in our hot chocolate for decoration. I enjoyed the smell of all the hot chocolate together in the classroom and it tasted divine! - Muhummud Uzair

It was the coldest day of the week on Friday. There was a very chilly breeze coming into the classroom and everybody was shivering. After EMS Miss Phaup had a surprise for us - we were going to make hot chocolate. We first wrote a list of ingredients and then wrote the instructions out. I enjoyed making hot chocolate at school and it tasted delicious. Friday was the best school day of the week! - Cameron

I was very happy when Miss Phaup said we were making hot chocolate. I learnt how to make it myself. I enjoyed it and it was really delicious and tasty. It was very hot and the marshmallows were melting and the taste was just right.- Banele

27 May 2011

Social Science Challenge: Do you know your provinces?

Hey Grade 4P! Here is a little quiz to help you prepare for your Social Science test on Wednesday.

Study the map below and then complete the challenge.

Now try and label all the 9 provinces from the blank map below.
Fill in your answers from numbers 1-9 and post them as a comment.
Remember spelling counts!

First Name:
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
BONUS QUESTION: What is the small country in the middle of South Africa? (white on the map below)

26 May 2011

2012 already? It's only May!

On Wednesday evening we hosted the Grade 3 Parent Orientation Evening. This was a chance for current Grade 3 parents to visit B.W.S.P.S. and find out more about the school they are sending their children to next year. For my presentation I asked my class to write a down a few things they loved about our school. These were put into PowerPoint slides and shown to the parents during my speech. I loved reading about all the special things that they enjoy.
- Miss Phaup

Here is what some of Grade 4P had to say:

25 May 2011

Technology - Learning about Axles

In Technology we are learning about wheels and axles and will be making a car soon. So today we made a trial car to learn the difference between a fixed axle and a turning axle. We made it out of toilet roll cardboard and used skewers as our axles. The hardest part was making the holes in the cardboard. I enjoyed decorating it. - Faatimah G.

The car was really simple to make. All we needed was the inside of a toilet roll and cardboard. It was so cool. - Abdur R. K.

I think that the Tech car was a bit of a challenge. The objective was to make a turning axle with fixed wheels. I loved my car! - Cameron

24 May 2011

English Language Test Revision

Challenge: Do you know your parts of speech?

Read the following sentence and try to identify the different parts of speech. Post your answer as a comment.

Miss Phaup smiled happily when she received a beautiful bouquet of flowers on Tuesday.

2 Proper Nouns -
1 Collective Noun -
1 Common Noun -
1 Adverb -
2 Verbs -
1 Adjective -

22 May 2011

Famous Buildings - English Orals

Our task was to make an oral about a famous building or structure. We had to make a poster with pictures on it and write a big heading. I enjoyed the part where I asked Miss Phaup a joke related to the oral and she didn't know the answer so I told her. It was hard to stand in front of the class. I learnt how to organise and make my oral working all by myself. - Fatema H.

I learnt a lot about the Taj Mahal from listening to an oral. Did you know that all the workers' hands were chopped off after they had built the Taj Mahal, so that they could never build another one? - Tauha

I tried my best and I enjoyed doing this oral. I have decided that I will not be shy when I do an oral from now on. - Banele

I made key cards and a poster for my oral. I enjoyed Fatema's oral, it was very interesting and I learnt a lot. - Tiyara

My aim was to plan my oral nicely. I made a poster of the Moses Mabhida Stadium. I enjoyed it a lot but it was difficult not to feel nervous. - Mohammed H.

I did my oral on the Eiffel Tower. I liked Fatema's oral as she did the Empire State Building. - Haaris

Doing the English oral was fun! I did mine on the Taj Mahal. - Tarika

I loved the way Faatimah G. did her oral. It encouraged me to do mine like hers. - Zainub

I had fun putting all the information together by myself for my English oral. We had to pick a building and give a speech and make a poster. I chose the Sydney Opera House. It was fun being able to do it all by myself. - Priyanka

I enjoyed making and finding the pictures for this project. The challenge was finding a lot of information. I learnt more about my magnificent building. I enjoyed Tarika's oral on the Taj Mahal. - Faatimah G.

It was a challenge to find a building that no one had chosen. I learnt a lot about buildings from listening to the orals. I liked Sahl's oral about the Burj Khalifa. - Muhummud C.

I enjoyed my oral. The challenging part was trying not to mumble. I learnt a lot about the Leaning Tower of Pisa. - Cameron

Eat your hearts out Hansel and Gretel!

In Technology we are learnings structures and Miss Phaup gave us a nice surprise. She told us that we were going to design and make a sweet house. When the day came we were so excited! I used chocolate wafer biscuits to build my walls and roof. It was really challenging sticking everything together. - Faatimah G.

I first designed my house. When I started making it I used coconut for the grass and biscuits for the walls. I used lemon cream biscuits for the roof. It was challenging putting the icing on the sweets. - Sadeem

In Technology we have been looking at houses and structures. We had a project to build a house made only of sweets. I thought it was a challenge but a lot of fun. I liked it when I had to choose the walls and decorations. When I did my trees I had the idea of dipping my lollipops into green sprinkles. I learnt that the structure of a house is hard to build. - Priyanka

I liked it because it was a great challenge. I learnt that a good challenge can be fun. - Aadil

The aim was to get the house to be stable and to make the house original. I learnt how to make a structure and I enjoyed eating the house at the end. - Muhummud. C