First you need to make sure you have all the required medical instruments:
- Stethoscope
- Gloves
- Scalpel (Scissors)
- Stitches (Glue)
- Scar (Permanent Marker)
Then you figure out which part of the two words needs to be removed:
In this case the "a" from are is being removed.
Then you join the two words together, remembering to add an apostrophe (scar) where you removed letters:
So we are left with you're.
Here are some other contractions we operated on:
And lastly a picture of Doctor Phaup thanking Nurse Fatema for her contribution to the lesson! She did a sterling job passing Doctor Phaup all the instruments she needed for the many operations.
this looks so fun i wish i was at school.yes Fatima you look very doctor like.FaatimahG