21 August 2011

Doctor Phaup and Nurse Fatema teach Contractions

Recently in English we have been learning about joining two words together to form a contraction. In order to do this, you have to perform surgery on the word. Luckily we had Nurse Fatema on hand to pass the necessary instruments to Doctor Phaup!

First you need to make sure you have all the required medical instruments:
  • Stethoscope
  • Gloves
  • Scalpel (Scissors)
  • Stitches (Glue)
  • Scar (Permanent Marker)
To start with you need to have two words to operate on (join together):

Then you figure out which part of the two words needs to be removed:
In this case the "a" from are is being removed.

Then you join the two words together, remembering to add an apostrophe (scar) where you removed letters:
So we are left with you're.

Here are some other contractions we operated on:
And lastly a picture of Doctor Phaup thanking Nurse Fatema for her contribution to the lesson! She did a sterling job passing Doctor Phaup all the instruments she needed for the many operations.

1 comment:

  1. this looks so fun i wish i was at school.yes Fatima you look very doctor like.FaatimahG
