20 June 2011

Grade 4 Spelling Bee

Grade Four had their annual Spelling Bee in which all the top spellers from the Spellathon participated. It was a fun morning and enjoyed by everyone. Five children from our class were chosen to participate and we even had someone come in second place! Well done Grade 4P!

15 June 2011

Technology - Testing And Evaluating Our Cars

Round One:

Round Two:
Round Three:

Congratulations! You have the fastest wheels in town!

10 June 2011

Dance and Drama - Shaka Zulu Plays

Our class did plays on Shaka Zulu. We were split up into four groups, with six children in each group. We all dressed up traditionally and we all learnt our parts very well. It was fun to watch the other groups that had different ideas. We all got to see how we could have improved our own plays by watching the others. - Fatema H.

02 June 2011

Technology - Designing and Making Cars

Here are a few photos of 4P making their cars for Technology. We will be finishing them off next week and taking them for a race down the school driveway. Stay tuned!