01 December 2011

Grade 4P ends the year in style!

We designed and made our own special sunglasses in technology this week. It was a lot of fun to see all the stylish and different designs....looking good 4P!!!

27 October 2011

Afrikaans Orals - How to grow a bean plant!

These girls show us how it's done:
(For slower connections press play and then pause while it loads for a few seconds)


03 October 2011

Book Character Dress Up Day!

In honour of our school-wide Readathon we ended the term with our annual Book Character Dress Up Day. Grade 4P ended up winning both best dressed boy and girl in Grade 4! Well done everyone!
Our winners!


21 September 2011

Bergtheil Museum - Exploring Local History

Sitting on the front steps of the Bergtheil Museum

Inside the main bedroom

Some interesting reading
Children's shoes

Wagon wheel used by the first German Settlers

Water jug and basin for washing

Enjoying a break in the garden

Bergtheil House Museum

Bergtheil Museum is a National Monument

20 September 2011

Soccer Day!

Phaup United Girls
 Saturday was amazing! I woke up in the morning at 5:45am. It was so early. I tried to go back to sleep but I twisted and turned. No wonder I couldn't sleep! It was Saturday - our Soccer Tournament Day! We played against Mrs Wilson's class, Miss Staegemann's class and Mrs Lang's class. We made it to the finals but unfortunately lost in a penalty shoot out. During our games we cheered for our teams with pom-poms we made in class. - Fatema
Classic V
 I was captain for the boys team. We drew all our games and I scored one goal against Mrs Lang's class. We came out third but that's not important. The main thing is that we had a lot of fun! It was one of the best Saturdays ever. I really enjoyed myself - Tauha
 It was a good day! I woke up in the morning and bathed and then I ran around the house so I could get strong so we could win. Haaris' dad made us T-shirts to wear on the day and we looked really good.  - Simphiwe
I really loved our team shirts. It was great when Fatema's mother came and she was wearing the same shirts as we were.  - Tiyara
 We played so well on Saturday! When we played against Miss Staegemann's class we won 2-0 and I scored both goals. Miss Phaup was so proud and I was proud of myself because everybody cheered for me! - Luyanda
 At 9am the first match started. The boys played first and the girls did their war cry. It was really fun because we made pom-poms the day before and they looked great. Then the girls went on and I was so nervous. We won the match! Go Phaup Girls United! - Priyanka

Special thanks to Nafeesa Kadwa for sponsoring our stylish pink shirts for the girls and to Mr Manning for creating and making the boys' amazing blue shirts!